In this season of elections, there are some basic assumptions to remember.
1. We are all children of God. We should treat each other as such. Our Father will
be sad if we don’t.
2. We are more alike than different. We all want to feel safe, to be healthy and to
have meaningful work. We want that for ourselves and for others.
God created us with different talents, different perspectives, and different opinions. In working to understand others, we can make a stronger whole.
3. In discussing our differences we can think through our ideas and make them
better without making someone with different thoughts into the enemy.
4. Politicians will not save us. They promise they will but so far in the history of the
world, no one has succeeded. Only God can pull us from the messes we make for ourselves.
The results of any election are not the creation of a paradise or the end of the
“On Christ the solid rock (we) stand. All other ground is sinking sand.”

"To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. “
Micah 6:8